Lawyer for Prostitution Charges, Spokane WA
If you are charged with a prostitution offense under Washington law, please call our office for assistance. Mr. Graham has 20 years experience in criminal law and is a former prosecuting attorney. Our firm can handle your case discreetly and give it the attention that it deserves.
Under Washington law it is a misdemeanor to engage in sexual relations in exchange for money. The individual accepting the money is charged with "prostitution" under RCW 9A.88.030 and the individual offering the money is charged with "patronizing a prostitute" under RCW 9A.88.110. Both offenses are punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $1,000.
Charges for prostitution can result from a variety of different circumstances. The police often conduct visual surveillance in areas where prostitution is common (such as Spokane, Spokane Valley, and Airway Heights). Sting operations are also conducted that involve the police posting sexual "advertisements" on Craigslist.