Western Washington University Expulsion Process
A school expulsion proceeding is a very serious proceeding. A 4-year degree
can cost well over $100,000 and represents years of study and hard work.
All of that can be lost if the case is not defended properly. It is important
to get in to see an attorney right away to see what can be done. Our firm
has the experience to
fight and win school expulsions and suspensions. We are available for free consultations
over the phone.
A Western Washington University expulsion can be initiated by a complaint from a teacher or professor, a fellow student, or be based on a report from the Bellingham Police Department or the Whatcom County Sheriff's Department.
When a Student is Expelled
Minor violations such as Minor in Possession of Alcohol / Marijuana may lead simply to an official warning, loss of privileges, or being placed on "conditional status" (disciplinary probation). The punishment may include a writing assignment or a class to take.
A suspension or expulsion usually results from a serious allegation such as rape or sexual assault, domestic violence, possession of firearms, or suspicion of dealing drugs on campus. A university expulsion can be brought even if no criminal charges are filed by the Whatcom County prosecuting attorney.
WWU & Sexual Assault
A lot of cases that our office sees are expulsions based on allegations of sexual assault. The federal government has been encouraging schools to take such allegations more seriously, and has threatened several universities with a loss of federal funding if they do act accordingly. The definition of sexual assault includes forcible rape or sexual relations when one party is too drunk or intoxicated to give knowing consent.
Parents are usually not notified when a disciplinary action is taken unless the charge is one of underage drinking.
A case at Western Washington University is often initiated by an email notice, so it is important for a student to keep his or her email active and to check it regularly. Before a hearing can be held, it is common for the school to impose interim restrictions such as a "no contact" order, or even an interim expulsion. This can sometimes include being "trespassed" from the university and not being allowed back until an emergency hearing can be held. This emergency hearing must be held between 3 and 7 days.
Appealing an Expulsion
The decision maker in these cases is a conduct officer. He or she has been delegated the authority to decide school disciplinary matters. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome, he or she may appeal the sanction to the WWU appeals board, which consists of three students, two faculty and a staff member from the division of enrollment and student services. It is important to note that an appeal must be filed within the deadline imposed by school rules.
It is important to call an attorney immediately so he or she can begin assisting on the appeal process.