School Expulsion Lawyer
Fighting College Expulsions Throughout the Northwest
A college student has certain rights before he or she is expelled or suspended from a state university. The Law Office of Steve Graham can assist students who are facing these legal issues. Mr. Graham has helped students throughout the Northwest get back into school.
It is important that a student discuss their student disciplinary case
with an attorney prior to meeting with the Dean of Students or the Office
of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Without the assistance of an attorney, a student may make statements against
their interest or waive certain rights. When appealing an expulsion or
suspension, there are very important deadlines for filing appeals, submitting
documentation or naming witnesses. It is important that these deadlines be met.
An expulsion or suspension can appear on a student's permanent transcript and harm his or her chances of receiving an education at another school. For international students, an expulsion can mean the loss of a student visa. What may start as a relatively small matter can turn into an arrest by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Attorney Steve Graham has helped many international students, including Saudi Arabian students in Cheney and Pullman, Washington.
Expelled for Sexual Assault
Many colleges or universities are increasing the number of expulsions or long-term suspensions due to allegations of sexual assault. This is true in particularly at Washington State University. Public universities such WSU and EWU are under pressure from the federal Department of Education to expel for rape allegations, even when there is only marginal evidence, or simply because one party was intoxicated.
The federal authorities in these cases discourage the universities from placing too much emphasis on the rights of the accused. The investigations are conducted by the Office of Student Standards and Accountability (OSSA) and/or Office for Equal Opportunity (OEO), and the case is heard by the Student Disciplinary Board. The procedure is not always conducted fairly, and it is important to have an attorney that is experienced in handling these matters.
Defending Your Rights
Many students are expelled or suspended due to instances of possession of alcohol or drugs in dorm rooms. We have also handled cases involving the possession of firearms on campus, assault charges, or academic integrity violations. If you (or a son or daughter) is facing an expulsion or suspension from a state university, you need skilled representation to help you pursue a favorable outcome. The Law Office of Steve Graham is a firm dedicated to the excellent representation and success of clients.
Our firm is available to assist with school expulsions throughout the Northwest. The Washington public schools that Mr. Graham has assisted with are WSU, WWU, UW, EWU, CWU, and Evergreen State University.
Contact the firm today to discuss your case as well as to obtain information and advice regarding your case without any financial obligation on your part through a free case evaluation.